07 December 2006

Winter funk

I would like to blame an enduring tryptophan hangover for the long gap since the last post. But in truth, we've just been busy and finding our ways into the rhythms of another long Northwest winter.

We had a great Prince family visit for Thanksgiving. I felt one of those odd little grown-up moments when I found myself, rather than my parents, carving the turkey for a change.

Amy's settling into her new job, which while not yet fully up and running already has her coming home each night saying something like, "Guess what I got to do today? Hang out in a giant room full of cheese!" I've been doing lots of new things at work, with more changes to come. All good, although there have been days when I walk into the office and think, "OK, what is it I'm supposed to be doing today -- copy-editing, reporting, online, line-editing?" Can't complain, though. Variety is a very good thing. And, above all, working more day shifts allows me more time at home with Amy in the evenings, like normal married people.

On that note, I cannot believe I've found myself watching "America's Next Top Model" with Amy on Wednesday nights. I try to resist. But it's been too tempting not to make fun of the people involved and the overly dramatic dismissals at the end of each show. I mean, someone named CariDee won. CariDee. One word. Capital D. Thank god she overcame a battle with psoriasis to take this prized title.

I take this as yet another sign that "Lost" needs to come back soon. (Side note: Why does ABC's page for the show still have Mr. Eko as one of the revolving three faces that appear when you load the page? They killed him off weeks ago.)

Looking forward to wrapping up '06 with a flurry of activity. A great Pedro Almodovar film festival opens this weekend in town at Cinema 21. Of the eight films, three will be new to me -- "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown," "Matador," and "Law of Desire." They haven't been released on DVD in the states yet, and the whole festival is a run-up to the Dec. 22 release of "Volver." We talked our friends the Robinwoods into seeing Almodovar's "Tie me up, tie me down" awhile back. The whole Stockholm syndrome part of that one might have scared them away from more. I'll admit, it was weird.

Beyond that, we've got the McFalls coming in a few weeks, right after Christmas. It will be lots of fun to do another holiday here with family -- and our little niece Lily will be here, too, fully enjoying our stairs, I hope. And I suspect we'll be watching a few bowl games -- with the Pokes and Sooners playing in the Independence and Fiesta bowls, respectively, during the visit.

With all this blogging about movies and television and sports, I fear I'm sounding like a media whore. Oh well, it's cold outside. It's warm on the couch. And we have three more episodes of "Weeds" to watch on DVD before resuming our own little Hitchcock film festival via Netflix.

Plus, we've found a lead on another great trip: Peru. This one may have to wait until late '07 or more likely into '08. But I'm already excited by the mere prospect of another two-week guided backpacking adventure with someone who knows the country and can give us local insights. Sunset at Machu Picchu sounds just about perfect, I think.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Can't wait to see the Pedro film fest. My co-editor at the college newspaper raved about his films, but I've only seen "Bad Education." So we'll be there tomorrow night to check out the first pair of films.

Also, I've been reading the Bart book recently. It's a really good read -- thanks for loaning it to me.