Day 11: Kitchen remodel
Leak solved (knock wood). Electrical inspection passed. Drywall starts in the morning, which means there should be something to photograph tomorrow night.
Leak solved (knock wood). Electrical inspection passed. Drywall starts in the morning, which means there should be something to photograph tomorrow night.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
9:47 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
No pics today. But we made the final countertop choice -- it's the one we posted a link to the other day -- and they isolated the source of the leak. Next up, electrical inspections and then drywall can get started.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
8:38 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
Today the insulation was installed in the area where the sink will and main cabinets will go.
As did the recessed lighting.
One setback: With the rain the past few days, a small leak has turned up after last week's plumbing work. That has to be solved before drywall can go in.
Still trying to make a final countertop choice. Finalized all details of the cabinets this weekend. They're going to be beautiful.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
8:51 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
Amy and I were flipping channels tonight, debating whether to watch a movie, when we paused on the start of "Law and Order."
I know, I'm getting old when a Friday night can happily involve channel surfing. But I did a serious double-take when I noticed someone I went to high school in the introductory credits.
Same goes for Amy, who is regularly stumped by the fact that one of her high school classmates is in a very popular rock 'n' roll band these days.
We never would have imagined Norman High's class of '95 and Deer Creek High's class of '97, respectively, had it in 'em. Go figure.
Let me start by saying that back in Norman in the mid '90s Milena Govich, who now plays Detective Nina Cassady, didn't look like this.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
12:44 AM
Topic(s): Oklahoma, perspective
Not much change today. Tomorrow we make the final color and door-style choices on cabinets.
One week in, and I'm so very ready to have a kitchen back in working order.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
8:42 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
No pictures today. But we, however, did make progress.
The new plumbing work is done upstairs. And, we're happy to report the toilet up there is now officially -- and finally -- secured to the pipe. Looks like rough electrical is all wrapped up. And Amy narrowed down our countertop options after finding a very cool new product and color.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
9:26 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
Today was more electrical. No pictures. Just fewer wires sticking out of the walls everywhere when we got home.
The unexpected plumbing work starts tomorrow. As such, all the lathe and plaster has been cut away from the bathroom pipes that run down through the kitchen. And upstairs, in the office, there's a large hole cut into the shared bathroom wall and everything is tarped off.
Here's hoping it's our only unplanned part of this project.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
9:18 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
Today: Rough electrical starts, meaning wires are running and hanging all over the place.
Here, an old switch (at the top of the picture) is taken out. Its space will be plugged. The space for the new switch (at the bottom of the picture) is added on the wall going into the mudroom.
Plus, the estimate on plumbing repairs upstairs isn't as bad as we feared. All in all, better Tuesday than Monday.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
10:50 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
No pictures tonight. Today started with a call to report that the toilet in our upstairs bathroom isn't properly installed, meaning it could fall right off the pipe that's above our kitchen -- and conceivably through what's to be our new ceiling. Also, some of the extremely old and formerly leaky pipes up there are lead.
Bottom line, it's all gotta go.
Also, we learned the original kitchen ceiling was wildly unlevel. So we've taken some steps to correct that. Plus, the cabinet guy came in and took some measurements, we shaved a few inches off the island plans and are preparing to write yet another check.
Helluva Monday.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
9:24 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
Cross framing goes up, running perpendicular across the uneven beams, to level out the ceiling before new drywall goes up.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
11:02 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
More demolition, this time tearing the ceiling down to the studs.
And the only way to get that ugly faux brick backsplash out, apparently, was to cut down to the studs, too.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
9:51 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
Today's task: Demolition
This is the view looking up at the remnants of the ceiling, where we knew there long ago had been water damage above the drop ceiling (the bathroom is directly above this spot). We had the contractor crack into the lathe and plaster, creating that lovely hole, to see if the pipes are OK. So far, so good. Minus the fact that if you look closely, you can see the floorboards of the second floor.
Cheers, and happy Valentine's day. Clearly, we love this old house.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
11:43 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
It begins tomorrow.
Here's how the kitchen looked on our Last Supper night before for the long anticipated remodel gets under way.
Since then we've emptied the cabinets, removed the lights and torn down the ceiling. In the morning, full-fledged demolition begins.
We'll try to post after each day of work as the project unfolds. And 10 to 12 weeks from now, we'll have a First Supper night when it's all done.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
10:15 PM
Topic(s): house, kitchen remodel
Our niece Lily during her holiday visit to Portland. Finally had some time to go back and see what's on the camera these past few months.
Posted by
Seth and Amy
10:10 PM
Topic(s): family