29 June 2007

iPhone frenzy

Got one.

I'm pretty excited, even if I feel a little - just a little - dorky for going to stand in line for the last two hours before they went on sale at Bridgeport Village. But it was a slow day at work (for me, at least, but not for our friend Mike, who was busy) and I was able to wrap things up early. So, really, what else did I have to do?

Soon, I'm sure, Amy will be asking, "Don't you have have anything else to do this weekend but play with that damn phone?"

Still, I contend, it's a legitimate purchase. I lost my Razr a couple of weeks ago and my iPod Nano is a couple of years old and jammed full. The new iPhone takes the place of both with even more space and features. Plus, I get Mac's Address Book carried right over and all of iCal, which I love. I get weather and travel maps at my fingertips. And I can check my e-mail - both personal and work accounts - anywhere, even if the connection's a bit slow when I'm not on a WiFi network.

The whole shtick at the stores today was a little over the top. I just wanted the phone, not membership in the cult and high-fives with the "geniuses" who work at the Apple stores.

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