29 June 2008

My ride

I've been curious about the length of my bike commute, but I've been hesitant to go spend even more money on a bike computer to calculate that and much more. As my friend Craig said, it only makes you feel antsy about whether you're keeping a good pace.

So today I found MapMyRide.com and calculated my commutes. In the morning, when I ride from our house to the MAX, it's exactly three miles. In the evenings, when I ride straight through from work to home, it's 10.95 miles. So, all told, most days, I'm doing about 14 miles. And I'm toying with the idea of starting to ride all the way in most mornings when the summer weather is so nice. So that'd be, basically, 22 miles a day.

Here's a map of my route home.

Of course, all this was moot since last Tuesday. On the way in that morning, I took a bad spill -- rookie mistake involving the clip-in shoes -- and sprained the holy hell out of my wrist. Got it X-rayed Wednesday and there's no break. It's still sore, but I'm getting back on the Poprad in the morning. I've missed it.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Dude, strap on some skates and see how buff you will be! Ha! That is quite a haul and something to be proud of for sure. Wish it were that easy here in the smog capital of Texas to ride to work.